Matty Reed clears the air

After some recent heated discussions about what appeared to be a new coach in Matty Reed's life, the Boulder, CO resident cleared the air about that topic. He also talked about other current activities.

Slowtwitch: First a big congrats on the win of your relay.

Matty: Oh thanks. It was great weekend. Was very happy to support Jenny's Light and also Onurmark Company for their inaugural Gateway to the Bay event! It was fantastic that Andy Potts & I could get together one weekend to do this. It was a great event for a great cause. Another cause that Team Reed races for is War on ALS. I encourage all the readers to please do what they can and read up on ALS.

ST: How did that challenge come about?

Matty: I was planning on doing an appearance at the race. Then Kelly got the idea to do it for Jenny’s Light and have Andy and I, cause we were both racing so close to April 11, to do relays and go head to head. I must say it was really cool and exciting for me to do a relay. I am the type of guy that feeds off the atmosphere of a race and it was cool for Andy and I to see our sport enjoyed by so many people. Usually Andy and I are getting ready to battle each other, so it was fun for us to do the relays the way we did. Andy swam really fast as always and I was cool to be able to watch and cheer him on.

ST: Recently you got quite a bit of flack online because of a Tyler Hamilton comment. Were you surprised by the intensity of the response?

Matty: Yes was really surprised! Twitter always doesn’t allow any explanation. I guess my word choices might have been a little misleading. I had a small idea some people might not like it before I posted that he was going to help my cycling and had offered some workouts and motor-pacing. But did not expect that response. When the flack started, I got defensive for sure. People definitely expressed their thoughts - some good and some bad. It was a bit stressful & overwhelming for me and my wife. I do understand how some people take these situations seriously and I feel that we have handled the situation and put this issue behind us.

ST: What exactly is your coaching situation.

Matty: Kelly & I put together my program. Kelly is overall performance coach. This word coach is perceived differently by people. I see coach as the one coaching the session on that day. Kelly runs the overall yearly plan, places the races, and we both work with a variety of people. We are always talking to other athletes, coaches, and different advisors throughout the 3 sports to gain as much knowledge as we can to help build the overall training plan. My first world cup was in 1994. I met Kelly in 2001. So I have been doing this a long time and have a lot of experience. We use tidbits from tons of people and then apply it to our program. With 8 wins last year, I think we know that method works for me.

ST: Would you explain that Tyler Hamilton tweet?

Matty: Yes I think I was just excited that Tyler motor-paced me a few times and we had met for coffee and he threw out some good ideas or thoughts on me as an athlete and some good Boulder workouts. I am simply thought, “wow this is great. Tyler’s ideas are going to help me to better my cycling. He was one of the big guns in cycling and his knowledge of training would be second to none.” So I twittered, not really thinking about what the statement “meant” and what other associations were related to it. I was simply thinking biking and biking knowledge.

I was stale with my program and needed a little more knowledge on how to balance such a variety of race distances/styles. Even with 8 wins over different distances, I was looking to add some workout variety to my program. Kelly and I had talked to a few cycling minds. Ran into TH at coffee and I guess I was just thinking maybe he could help me train - doing the right sessions at the right times. I definitely didn't think it through enough. I didn’t think about how what seemed like simple actions, what they would portray or indirectly associate me with. I know Tyler personally since I first rode with him in 2002 and from living in Boulder. I think he is a great guy. I am really sorry for him, to have stirred all the dust up again for him as he starts a new phase in life. For me, I have to look at the facts. Sport has a courtroom and the verdict was read on Tyler. What I think is personal, MY PERSONAL OPINION. An athlete in my position has to base my associations off the facts of sport law, not just personal opinion.

I am for clean sport. Always have been. For me, a professional sportsman, I did not want to be indirectly, or directly, associated with doping. To me, racing clean is the only way to race.

ST: Beyond the online world, have you gotten comments otherwise?

Matty: I didn’t really get any comments. The forum really attacked it though. Once I stepped back and started to read how people were seeing and associating my words and actions, I turned to some friends. I got a lot of advice from close friends. I have had a lot of support to get me to come to my conclusion. I am a human being and I have learned that I have to respect that my actions, whether simple or advanced, can portray something from angles I don’t see. I have to think ahead in my actions.

ST: Where are you now in regard to that topic?

Matty: I am good. I chose to not pursue cycling advice from Tyler. I am just happy to have kept our friendship. He understands & gave me his best wishes. I no longer talk training or anything cycling related with TH. The social media comments I made about my acquaintance with retired cyclist Tyler Hamilton, a fellow resident of Boulder incited some strong reactions and unfounded speculation from some in the triathlon community. I do regret any confusion my online comments caused. Tyler has been a friend and he has shared lessons learned from his cycling career, but Team Reed remains unchanged.

ST: What is coming up next in terms of racing.

Matty: St Anthonys and the all important Rev 3 in Knoxville. I flatted last year at St Anthony’s, so I am really gunning to get my title back. Rev 3 is very important to me and only first place matters!
ST: What about all that Rev 3 smack talk between Team Trakkers and Team Trek-K-Swiss. Will you be the one laughing at the end?

Matty: No idea. I am not on either team. I know that if the drafting is patrolled it is still everyman for himself. I plan to contend for the win. I have my goals for the year and will focus on those. One of my strengths is that I know the training I do and I am confident in that.
ST: Do you feel good and healthy?

Matty: Yes I am getting fitter by the day and putting some great days and weeks together. My health has never been better.

ST: Anything else new and exciting?

Matty: I am continuing on and signing another deal with Samsung Mobile. They have a new phone coming called the Galaxy & it will kick the iPhone’s a**! I have the best & most supportive sponsors! It is exciting for me to see the D6 Matty Reed bike more & more at races and the best feeling is everyone that has one, loves it. I also will be running more twitter contests on my twitter page @boomboomreed and I recently launched my new website, MATTYREED.COM. Check it out and leave me a note.

ST: Well, stay in touch.

Matty: Thanks for the interview Herbert!

Related links
- To find out more about Jenny's Light go to
- To learn more about the "War on ALS" visit: