Random AG Kathy Smith

Many of us have thought about packing up, leaving the rat race and moving to a warmer climate, but for most of us that is just a pipe dream. Random age grouper Kathy Smith made this dream a reality and now lives in Mexico. She is currently getting ready for Ironman Cozumel and had a few words with slowtwitch.

Slowtwitch: What brought you south of the border?

Kathy Smith: We were getting to the point where, with 4 kids, house, yadda yadda, we were going to have to put the kids in school (we were homeschooling) and both work or find a cheaper place to live and live off one income. So we sold everything and hit the road. We traveled around the continent for a "quick trip" before finding the "perfect place to live" and never really left. We lived on the road (RV) from 2004 - 2007 and then settled (without knowing we were settling) down here mid 2007.

ST: Any thoughts on ever moving back to the States?

Kathy: Yeah, pretty much every time I visit a certain website that deals with narco violence, but we are still in a "safe" state that is ruled by only one cartel and more and more they are moving into the US, so who can really say what is safe. Also we've got most excellent medical care here (and affordable) and life is pretty easy.

ST: So what exactly do you do?

Kathy: I'm retired.

ST: Well, where did you grow up?

Kathy: I was an army brat - Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alabama, California, and various other short-term stays in Baton Rouge and Colorado.

ST: You are fairly new to triathlon, can you tell us how you got started with this sport?
Kathy: I had started walking to lose weight and that led to running (C25K) and that led to injuries which led to cross training (to avoid injuries) which consisted of swimming and cycling, and then it hit me that I was training for triathlons. I also was inspired by a dive master in Cozumel who decided to train for Ironman Coz last year, and I thought she was crazy. Once I started cross training I figured I'd train for Coz like she.

ST: Have you since met other triathletes in the area?

Kathy: FINALLY last weekend after almost an entire year of training, I ran into a couple of guys I occasionally see (like maybe once every week or two, and I'm out there 3-4 days/week) who are training for IMCOZ also. They are few and far between down here. We're getting more but out on the roads it is almost impossible to meet up with an athlete training.

ST: But have you done other events?

Kathy: I did a sprint in March and a HIM in June. I am pretty proud that I was the 1st woman in on the bike in the HIM and ended up winning my AG (but the field is really shallow down here).

ST: How much training do you manage in a week?

Kathy: Right now I'm at 18 hours but I'm 3 weeks out from Coz. I'd say I'm pretty comfortable with 10 hours or so.

ST: Have you been bitten by the Ironman bug already or is Cozumel and out off the bucket list?

Kathy: I've been bitten by the bug but I'm not sure if it is IM or not. We'll see in 3 weeks. I found the HIM distance really very, well, not EASY per se, but very doable and I don't really like the sprint distance at all. I'm already planning IMCOZ again next year as a do-over as I had to take 8 weeks off training while my son had a lung resection, so I guess I might have been bitten but am in denial. At any rate, it is no bucket list item. I think it could be interesting to go to PR or another island down here but with such a large family it gets really pricey. I do love training, however, and a day (now that I'm in taper) with only one sport feels really just wrong.

ST: What does your husband think about this new passion?

Kathy: He is cautiously supportive. He has, however, jumped in with both feet to be my bike mechanic and cycling buddy and completely takes over with the kids and house while I'm training so I really can't ask for more than that.

ST: How did you actually stumble upon slowtwitch?

Kathy: Gawds, I have no idea. That's what happens when you get old. ☺ I'm pretty sure I had to search for it though - it wasn't by following a link. Course, then again, maybe it was.

ST: Talk about your food likes and dislikes.

Kathy: Hmmm….coffee has to go on the top of the list. I'm not sure life would be worth living without the daily homage to the dark lord. I will very occasionally break my dairy fast for coconut ice cream. I am dairy free except for a couple times a year that I'll have coco helado. It is the only thing that makes me wish I could tolerate dairy. A freshly made corn tortilla hot off the fire is heaven along with huachinango from the gulf. I think that might be red snapper. Food here is generally very fresh and made from whole ingredients so my likes are real simple things - coffee, lime and pickled jalepenos on everything and I'm good. For my sweet tooth I'll pick some off a pilloncillo (cone like shaped molasses thing) and put it with bananas and soy milk.

ST: You talked earlier about wanting to shed weight. Has that been successful?

Kathy: So far. I started at 99 kg and I'm at 70kg now. I lost really slowly though and it was only recently I realized how much I'd lost. I figure I still have 3-5kg to go and then I'll take stock again. I started by walking and watching what I ate. I decided I wasn't going to make any change I wouldn't continue with for the rest of my life so no fad diets or heavy restrictions. If I want occasional treats I'm not going to deprive myself.

ST: Anything else we should know?

Kathy: I can't imagine I could add anything more and it has been an honor to be asked. I really haven't been very active on ST due to the testosterone (and I can't get bothered to get bothered about stuff they get bothered about ☺) but I do enjoy the site.