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Rohan Dennis does it – 52.491 km

The 24 year old Aussie of Team BMC managed to break the 1-Hour record with a total distance of 52.491 km at the Velodrome Suisse in Grenchen. Dennis who was victorious at the 2015 Santos Tour Down Under earlier this year rode steadily faster and in the end only faltered slightly. With 1.5 minutes still on the clock Dennis moved past the existing 51.852 record mark set by Matthias Brändle of IAM Cycling late last year and 90 seconds later he was in the history books.

Dennis was seemingly trying to push past 53 kilometers and for a while his pacing was headed that way, but in the end the Aussie finished at a very strong 52.491 kilometers.

After that hard hour of truth the newly crowned record holder said that without all the great support he had leading up to this event it would not have been possible for him to grab that record.

Several other TT specialists have been rumored to go after the 1-hour record, and among those are Bradley Wiggins and Tony Martin.

Image of Rohan Dennis courtesy of Neal Henderson of APEX Coaching

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