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Halo Neuropriming

One of the more intriguing fitness products at CES 2017 was the Halo Sport. It falls somewhere between voodoo magic and science fiction at first glance until you read some of the academic literature and talk to folks behind its development, including its co-founders Drs. Daneil Chao and Brett Wingeier.

Halo Sport claims to improve performance through the use of neuroprogramming, using energy pulses to stimulate the brain. Halo Sport stimulates the motor cortex in the brain, the team explains, via transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). When combined with training, Halo Neuroscience claims that users can better manage and delay central fatigue and improve the ability to learn skills; thereby working at a greater maximal exertion effort, or potential, for longer periods of time.

This technique is also being used in clinical settings, says the Halo Sport folk, to improve memory, learning, and treat medical issues such as depression. Their website dives into the science behind Halo Sport.

Halo Sport works with an iOS or Android mobile application. The user selects the neuropriming session based on their training focus (legs, chest, arms, etc). The user sprays the contact points with water, wears the device, and activates the neural session prior to his workout via the mobile application. Halo recommends wearing the device during an athlete's warm-up as the neuropriming lasts about 20 minutes. This puts the user in a state of hyper-learning prior to commencement of an activity.

After the session, users have the option to continue wearing the Halo Sport unit to listen to music via 3.5mm audio cable. The positive effects of the Halo Sport are reported to last about 60 minutes after a session and it already has, say its owners, garnered attention at the professional level with select NBA, NHL, MLB, and NFL players using Halo Sport. They say it is also being used the Navy Seals, Olympic Track athletes, the US Olympic Ski team and US Air Force. There are a number of testimonials on the company’s website including one from triathlete T.J. Tollakson.

Halo Sport notes a number of awards earned, such as Most Innovative Companies for fitness, by Fast Company; and the Runner World Editors Pick Award for CES 2017. The Halo Sport comes with a carrying case and operates on a rechargeable lithium ion battery that lasts for 8 neuropriming sessions. It is available now for $749.



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