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GIANT AND LIV Launch together

We have seen this bike already. (Sort of … Maybe … But not all of it, I guess …) I just spent five hours with the folks at GIANT, LIV and CADEX on top of a roof-top bar in Adelaide, Australia at the big launch of a bike that I have seen in person twice […]

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Gamifying Your Workout Stats on Velocity

There have never been more options for creating and importing workouts within and across training platforms. For example, my coach can create and push a workout to me on TrainingPeaks, and I can import and complete the workout on any number of platforms including TrainingPeaks Virtual, Zwift, Wahoo X, Velocity, etc. Some of those platforms […]

The Art of Balancing Indoor and Outdoor Training

As I sit down to write this particular article, it is a balmy 5 degrees Fahrenheit here at Slowtwitch: Tundra Division. (That’s 15 below for the rest of you in the civilized world.) I say balmy because we at least have the warmth of the sun shining through blue skies for a change, and there’s […]