Shop Dogs 2

Riding a wave of popular acclaim after publishing Shop Dogs last week, Slowtwitch is doubling down. Why these dogs chose the bike biz is God's own mystery, but thankfully they did.

Last month we were at Brickwell Cycling & Multisports for a Slowtwitch Road Show. They've got dogs and cats up the ying yang at their 3 locations, including one with a novel but effective snooze posture.

We were at Brickwell's Farmingdale, NY, location, which shares a common wall with Bob Cook's specialty tech footwear store Runner's Edge. Just below is Benji, Runner's Edge's shop dog.

Speaking of sleeping postures, here's Bodhi, keeping an eye on Bonzai Sports in metro-DC. I've got several pics of Bodhi, and that tongue is always out.

Remember Fabulous Fabian CATcellara? This Cipo (Cipollini) aka Notorious C.H.I.P. from Pro Cycling and Tri in Fairhope, AL. Cipo's billet is "Nanny, beer snob, lifeguard, customer relations, and upper level management."

Below, same dog as above, who is also "highly sought after model," and one can see why.

Below is Daisy from Woodcock Cycle Works in Manitoba (that's in Canada).

Maggie, from Good Bikes in Fayetteville. AR, is "worn out from inventory." Don't knock sleeping on the inventory until you've tried it.

If you ever get a mis-shipment from blueseventy, now you can put a face to the name. This is Lucky, in charge of shipping. On the flip side, if you ever got over-the-top shipping service from blueseventy, when Lucky says, Hey, throw me a bone here," she actually means throw me a bone here.

Andres Douzoglou used to run a bigger, busier tri shop. Now he owns and runs a boutique shop in Berkeley. A quietier, sleepier shop, with a dog (Logan) to match.

Juno is at Transition Tri in Leesburg, VA. Remember that hullabaloo, right after the first term began, when the Obamas chose a dog for the girls? It was a Portuguese Water Dog, which is what we have here with Juno.

I think this is a little big of a back door brag. You see Franklyn, in front of, oh, is that a GURU fit bike? Whoa. Yes it is, at Acme Cycles in Brooklyn. Franklyn is Jon Blyer's Basset Shepherd, who is (like a number of shop dogs) afraid of bikes.

Cooper is guarding the inventory at Wheelworx in Dublin, Ireland. What kind of dog does an Irishman prefer? Boxer, of course.