Triathlon Coaches


Doug Kugley

10213 Shadow Branch Dr
Tampa, Florida 33647
Phone: 813-995-4628


Education: Graduate degree
Certifications: USAT level 1
Services: One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching, Regular track or group run workouts in person

General Info

General Info: ave you ever dreamed about training for a triathlon and ultimately competing in one? Are you bored with just running and need a new challenge? Maybe you just want to take your triathlon game to the next level? Now is the time to realize your goals and train for triathlon with Doug Kugley of Fast Splits Coaching, a Tampa triathlon training expert! Doug Kugley is a triathlete as well as a triathlon coach, and his expertise, knowledge and guidance will help you achieve all of your triathlon training and competition goals from completing your very first race to setting a brand new blazing PR! As a USA Triathlon (USAT) Certified Coach, Doug uses a sensible yet challenging training approach that allows you to take your fitness to new heights. When training for triathlon, Doug works with you in concert, with an open communication platform to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared for YOUR race! Whether you need sprint triathlon training, olympic triathlon training, or ironman triathlon training, Doug has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your full potential. It’s time to jump on board with Fast Splits Coaching and realize your full potential…together we can accomplish anything!
Rates & Fees: Please see my website,, for information.
Training Camps Offered: Please describe any training camps your put on.
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