Triathlon Coaches


James Daniel

Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39402
Phone: 601-336-0874


Education: Undergrad degree
Certifications: USAT level 1
Services: Local bike fitting, Online coaching, Regular track or group run workouts in person

General Info

General Info: Do you wake up knowing you want to exercise? You want to get faster or stronger or better but you're just not sure what to do. Do you need to be running farther? Maybe you need to run faster today? What about both? Do you wonder how today’s workout influences the bigger picture?

Coaching can answer all of these questions. Let us work out the details for you. No more second guessing of what to do and when to do it. You just want to improve. We can help!
Rates & Fees: Let Power Multisport show you how to get better results in less time.

Please see for current services and rates.
Training Camps Offered: None at this time.
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