Compex Puts Some Muscle Behind the 6th Annual Rappstar Charity Challenge

On the fundraising front, since we started last week, we're at just over $44,000, putting another $13,000 on top of the $31,000 raised at the dinner – a fantastic start! Many thanks to those who have already made generous donations. We hope to keep the donations rolling in to reach our goal of $100,000 (746 WBR bicycles)!

To enter the challenge, you can donate online at the URL below. Like last year, the Ironman Foundation has been very generous in hosting and handling the donation site for us (Thanks, IMF!!!).


As in past years, you can donate ANY amount, but ONLY donations of $134 or more (the cost of one bicycle) will make you eligible for prizes. For every multiple of $134 that you donate, you get another entry. $268 earns you double eligibility, $402 earns triple, etc. Donations of 5 bikes ($670) get you an extra spot. And donations of 10 bikes ($1340) get you an extra three spots. For more details, read the first article at the link below. Award drawing tickets will be assigned automatically from the donations, so please make sure to give us an email or phone number (or both) where we can reach you.

And now, onto the incredible offering from Compex & the team at DJO Global, a Compex Sport Elite Muscle Stimulator. MSRP - $849

With one of the more technical and versatile training aids on the market, Compex also has a great staff helping to educate end users on best practices. Jim Bruskewitz is the man who knows more than any other about the ins and out of shocking yourself to faster recovery and better performance. But Jim took off his educational hat and talks here about why Compex is supporting this fundaiser.

The Compex Sport Elite Muscle Stimulator features 9 programs and is the top-of-line Compex muscle stimulator for competitive/high performance athletes. The Sport Elite is also Compex's newest muscle stimulator model, recommended for the competitive/high performance athlete who has a rigorous training and exercise regimen. In addition to the 9 programs, 5 levels of progression will keep elite athletes challenged with every training session, resulting in a true competitive advantage!

Compex Sport Elite has four training programs: Endurance Program, which helps you cope with long-duration aerobic activities and increases muscle resistance to fatigue by building slow-twitch muscle fibers. Resistance Program, which is an all-around program for endurance and strength, building both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Strength Program, which increases sheer muscle strength better than conventional weight lifting alone, with less risk of muscle-tendon injury. And the Explosive Strength Program for developing short bursts of power without the traumatic or violent movements associated with conventional training.

And 5 additional programs not found on the lower priced models: Potentiation Program which warms up muscle faster without psychological, muscular or cardiovascular fatigue. Active Recovery® Program which facilitates relaxation of muscles and reduces muscle soreness and stiffness following competition or demanding workouts. Recovery Plus® Program which does not contract the muscle and helps clear lactic acid and increase blood flow at lower frequencies, perfect for muscles that are fatigued after a vigorous workout or competition. And the Pre-Warm Up Program which does not contract the muscle and runs at a frequency specifically targeted to increase blood flow that oxygenates the muscles prior to a workout or competition; this program is recommended if there is any risk of cramp.

It's a great tool that I'm really glad to have for both training and recovery. For more on the Compex and how both Tim O'Donnell and I use it, check out the post-IMAZ recovery blog HERE.

As a reminder, 100% of your contributions are tax deductible and will be directed back to World Bicycle Relief.

For those interested, you can also submit donations via traditional mail at this address:

World Bicycle Relief
Attn: Development
1333 N. Kingsbury Street
4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60642

Thanks for your support and commitment to WBR!