This Week on Slowtwitch Indoors: Return to Watopia

With the end of this year's 100/100 Challenge, we thought it'd be a good time to return to some of the basics with this week's Slowtwitch Indoors events. As such, every single ride and run will take place in Zwift's original world: Watopia. Although Zwift has expanded sections of the world over the years, it is still the only world available every single day (without having to world hack.) That being said, Watopia contains some of this writer's favorite routes. Those are all part of this week's Slowtwitch Indoors events.

Slowtwitch Indoors Groups Runs

Well, we couldn't keep calling them 100/100 Challenge Runs, now could we? Runs are scheduled for 33 minutes in each session, and all take place on May Field. No matter your pace, you are welcome to join us to get the mileage in! We also plan to add, in the near future, structured training runs that operate similarly to our banded structured training bike workouts. More to come soon!

As of this writing, runs take place:
Monday, 7 PM Eastern
Wednesday, 7 AM Eastern
Wednesday, 7 PM Eastern

Slowtwitch Indoors Rides

Ride of the Valkyries
Cue the Guns n Roses, because we're going to the jungle. Although the rolling resistance changes in-game have resulted in plenty of gnashing of teeth, it doesn't impact our structured training workouts. So long as you keep the pedals moving, you're going to stay with the group. This week's workout, Take it to the Limit, progressively ramps up the difficulty throughout the ride.

Tuesday Night Dynamite
The Jungle Circuit is so nice, we had to do it twice. Our Tuesday night structured training ride also will take a few laps around the now-scarcely used Jungle Circuit. This week's workout is dubbed "Spin Spin," written to a song from 1994. I may have included a bonus sprint or three in there. At any rate, just make sure you keep the pedals moving and you'll stay with the group.

Rise and Grind
Our Thursday morning event takes a trip around Watopia's Waistband to give you a taste of everything: flats, climbs, downhills, and sprints. Because Zwift has removed the fence for the time being, we ask that you register for the appropriate group and stick with your ride leader. Communication via the Companion app is key! A sweeper will be available for the B group only this week. Ride leaders will look to average the middle of the category's w/KG for the entirety of the ride (meaning it will be easier at the beginning, harder at the end). Have fun!

Hilly Vanilli
The Chase is on! This week, the Bs and Cs will try to close down the Ds on Tick Tock. Watopia's flattest route should give some high average speeds and an opportunity for the earlier starters to stay up the road. Similar to Rise and Grind, the fence is not currently available, so please be sure to register for the appropriate category and listen to your leader/sweeper on the road. Remember: nobody likes the guy that blows up the group ride.

Enjoy your week on Zwift!