Matt Russell's Diamondback Andean

Matt Russell correctly predicted it would take a Sub-8 hour effort to win IRONMAN Texas last month. Five athletes dipped under 8-hours on the day. Russell finished in 8:01, good enough for six on the day. Here is a look at his Diamondback Andean from the IRONMAN North American Championship race.

Despite a few mishaps during the bike leg, Russell still rode his way to a speedy 4:13 bike split at IRONMAN Texas, one of the fastest rides of the day.

Rear wheel set up is Knight Composites' 95 disc clincher.

Front wheel is Knight's 65 disc clincher. Russell raced on Continental Grand Prix TT clincher tires (23mm) with latex tubes.

Beefy chain stays on the Andean. Russell uses CeramicSpeed's Oversized Pulley Wheel System set up for SRAM as well as their UFO Chain and proprietary squirt lube.

A closer look at his disc brakes. No quick release here.

For IRONMAN Texas' flat bike course Russell opted to use a massive SRAM Red 55-tooth chain ring, tucked nicely into the frame.

Stages Cycling power meter.

Diamondback provides storage hidden from the wind.

Luckily Russell didn't need to open this on race day though he did crash after hitting a pothole 105 miles into the ride while looking down sipping a drink.

Yet another storage spot on the Andean frame.

A side view of the cockpit including HED Corsair aerobars, TorHans AeroZ, a second BTA bottle, and a Polar M450 computer with plenty of room for it all.

Sleek looking spacers.

Russell used Tri Bike Transport's services out to the race. Jordan Rapp travelled with his Andean and you can click here to watch him unpack and build it up before race day.

Russell has raced every edition of IRONMAN Texas so far and stays with the same homestay family whenever he comes to town. Hard to blame him as this gallery was shot under their relaxing backyard cabana, with an inviting pool for lounging about pre and post race.

You can follow Matt on Twitter at @MattRussellTri and Instagram at @MattRussellTri.