Finding Your Finish Line: The #DIYTri

OK, so I have this idea.

I've been racing bicycles exclusively for the last 20 years. I've never done a triathlon!
I always thought I would at some point and it would be really cool to do one. I have friends that love triathlon for reasons unbeknownst to me.

With most traditional racing on pause, it was time to do something about it. Long mountain bike seasons filled with 60+ plus race days have never left me with much left in the tank come fall to pursue this bad idea.

Triathlon is of course well recognized as one of the toughest endurance sports in the World. But the actual reason is speculative for most myself included. Perhaps it’s a multiplier rather than a cumulative effort doing 3 sports in a day?

Can I do it? Probably. But “probably able to hit a jump on skis” is a hell of a lot different than doing it in real life! This is going to be interesting.

Canyon is hosting the Do It Yourself Tri from home. This DIY Tri on October 24th can be any distance you choose. That fits right in with my mindset of finding my own finish line. And I’m stoked to have a target!

Will I cramp on the run? Or, worse, sink to the bottom of a lake faster than the Titanic on her maiden voyage? In all honesty, though, I am going to struggle a bit since my swimming has not improved much since 4th grade. I might have to learn a few new things but that is pretty exciting at this point in my sports career.

I’ll be riding the SpeedMax 7.0 for this. It’s the same bike folks have a chance to win if they sign up for the DIY Tri! Personally for me this will be interesting! Will this be a Dad joke effort borrowing my kids water wings or will I get lured into doing more triathlons? Stay tuned to find out.

If you would like to give it a whirl, sign up here for a chance to win that free bike, or great prizes from Amp Human, Split Nutrition and TrainingPeaks!

My friend Adam Pulford who runs the Trainright podcast will be hosting some great triathletes and special guest to talk training, tech and preparation. We will also see the return of Canyon’s 360lab Tri talks. These broadcasts will take place on Canyon’s YouTube channel live each Friday in October at 9 AM PST.

On these episodes I will join Slowtwitch’s Dan Empfield for a fun chat with some of the best triathletes in the world. It is sure to be a fun journey full of fun and interesting content from training tips to mental strategies to best off bike hobbies of the stars. So far we have lined up Vegan Cyclist, Triathlon Taren, Adam Pulford, Scott DeFilippis and Carrie Lester as well as 2017 World Champion Sarah Crowley!

This should be a blast!

Jeremiah Bishop
Canyon Athlete- Brand Relations

Editor's Note: Canyon is a Slowtwitch Partner.