Second stolen bike alert

In the second high-end bike theft incident this week in northern California, the racing bicycle of famed coach and multiple national champion Pete Kain was stolen Tuesday evening near where he was coaching a swim workout near his Cupertino, California home. Kain needs your help to recover his bike and, perhaps, to catch the thief.

“My beautiful 2014 Felt AR 2 was stolen off my blue Toyota FJ Cruiser tonight as I coached our KP Brick Workout at Los Gatos High School,” Kain wrote in a Facebook post. “I was not more than 30 feet away the whole time we were there! It was locked on, but looks like they had bolt cutters. They cut the bolt & the strap that holds the wheel.”

Kain added, “Obviously they were professional – people were all around that parking lot. I would have brought it to the pool as we were doing a swim-bike brick workout on trainers. But I was parked so close it seemed safe.”

Kain lists the Felt AR 2 specifications thusly: Size 58 frame. Brand new Stages power meter. Shimano Ultegra components. Look pedals.

“I really loved that bike!” said Kain, the 2002 USA Triathlon “Triathlete of the Year,” 4-time Age Group ITU World Champion and 7-time Age Group USA Triathlon National Champion. “If you see this bike anywhere – on craigslist, eBay or riding around town – let us know or call the Los Gatos Police.”

Kain also urged Southern Californians to keep an eye out. “Friends on SoCal, check craigslist for me! I hear a lot of bikes stolen in Nor Cal are sold on craigslist in So Cal.”

Kain added that he had a bike that was locked to his car stolen three years ago while he was conducting a 5:45 am masters swim workout.

Last Thursday pro triathlete Sarah Piampiano had her Cervélo P5-6 and a Saucony overnight bag stolen at 4:30 pm from her car parked in front of her apartment on Central Avenue in Sausalito, California. Piampiano reported that the thief, seen in a security video, was a tall man with dark brown or black hair, and was driving a black VW Golf with no front license plate.

Contacts: and Los Gatos Police Department: (408) 354-8600.