A day with Lightweight

We are currently in Friedrichshafen, Germany for the Eurobike trade show and had the opportunity to visit the Lightweight / Carbon Sports brand today.

Lightweight is housed in a very beautiful building just a stone's throw from the airport and the trade show center, and they have been there since 2008. But the parent company CarboFibretec has been around since 2000 and there is another facility in Hailfingen, about 180km away.

Lightweight was the brainchild of Rudolf Dierl und Heinz Obermayer and over the years quite a few pros have used them. When Obermayer wanted to retire they sold the company to Edward Wisssler and the rest is history.

Wheels right now make up roughly 40 percent of their production, but they also craft items for space, air transportation, motor sports, agriculture and much more.

All images © Herbert Krabel / slowtwitch.com

The new signage was only recently added.

We came across quite a few nice bikes in the lobby.

There are two of these expensive tables in the lobby.

A C-bow for a Siemens mobile x-ray machine is prepared for the oven.

Engineer Thomas Leschik with a finished C-bow.

Ali Saghir is a cutter and is setting up carbon fiber sheets to be trimmed here.

These molds are for airplane back rests.

These tubes will eventually turn into hub shells.

CarboFibreTec is the name of the parent company.

These wheels are here for repairs.

Do you recognize all the signatures on this wheel?

The conference room has Heinz Obermayer's signature inlaid into the table. This signature came from the contract to sell Lightweight to Wissler.

The lightweight crew has a nice kitchen a chef who is originally from Holland at their disposal at lunch time. The Boss wants the employees to have good and fresh food.

Chef Michel Stor is done for the day - after lunch he actually works in the factory.

Thomas Leschik in his office.

General manager Erhard Wissler outside the building with the Lightweight Fernweg wheel.

Erhard Wissler's son made this carbon fiber hood for his thesis project.

Jörg Ludewig is loading up the car for tomorrow's Eurobike Demo Day in Argenbühl.

This very stunning Passoni belongs to the boss.

This Parlee will be at Eurobike Demo Day tomorrow.