Triathlon Coaches


Lisa Kall

7206 Sheffield Drive
Yardley, Pennsylvania 19067
Phone: 215.275.3896


Education: Undergrad degree
Certifications: USAT level 1
Services: Local bike fitting, One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching

General Info

General Info: USAT Coach since 2005. Specialize in all race distance from sprint to Ironman, beginner to experienced triathletes. In addition to triathlon we also coach cyclists and runner. Specializing in ultra distance training and racing. We pride ourselves in having our athletes not only physically prepared for their races but also nutritionally ready!
Rates & Fees: Triathlon is our passion we coach to help others love what we love doing. Rates are affortable and include one-on-one and weekly group workouts, unlimited communication, weekly training schedule and race nutrition advice.
Training Camps Offered: Group workouts every weekend. Multiple day Ironman Camp at Lake Placid being held Memorial Day weekend in 2010.
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