Triathlon Coaches


Maurice Wills

738 W Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Phone: 312 428 6000
Fax: 312 583 9290


Education: Undergrad degree
Certifications: USAT level 2
Services: Local bike fitting, One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching, Regular track or group run workouts in person

General Info

General Info: Infinity Multisport is coaching and training company that assists endurance athletes of all levels to reach their goals. We utilize proven scientific training methods in addition to hands-on experience to create individual and group training programs and classes that are effective, time efficient and most of all FUN! Also proud owners on one of Chicago's newest and largest state of the are CompuTrainer center.
Rates & Fees: Our rates are competitive with the Chicago market.
Training Camps Offered: We host one day workshops including video analysis for ChiRunning and Swim Technique.
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STConcierge at August 6, 2018 9:04 AM