Triathlon Coaches


Chris Sweet

208 S. Vine St
Lexington, Illinois 61701
Phone: 309-678-1275


Education: Graduate degree, Undergrad degree
Certifications: USAT level 1
Services: Local bike fitting, One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching

General Info

General Info: Coaching Philosophy

It is no accident that we chose the iconic clenched fist as part of our logo. Many revolutionaries used this powerful image during the 20th century. The foundations of Revolution Multisport's coaching philosophy are firmly rooted in these traditions. There are plenty of multisport coaching companies to choose from, so we wanted to offer our athletes something that sets us apart. In essence, we wanted to make a revolutionary change to the way most people approach training.

What this means in practice is that we design our custom training programs based off a combination of scientific evidence and personal experience accumulated in a combined total of almost 40 years as competitive swimmers, bikers, runners and triathletes. We've learned from some of the best in the business and have taken that knowledge and incorporated it into our training programs.

At an Ironman training presentation Coach Chris once made the argument that part of the reason why he had some success in triathlon is that his master's degree is in Library and Information Science. His professional education is in essence the management of information. As anyone new to the sport knows, there is an overwhelming amount of training information available in books, magazines, blogs and websites. Many athletes fall into the trap of trying to take bits and pieces from multiple programs or philosophies, with the end result being a mish-mash that rarely helps anyone reach their athletic potential.

Putting the self-coached athlete at a further disadvantage is the fact that much training advice is simply the product of lore and tradition and lacks scientific validity. To cite just one common example, you will often hear veteran triathletes recommending doing long rides and long runs on back-to-back days to "train on tired legs." This is silly. Science tells us that you only get stronger through recovery. If your long ride and long run are the key workouts for the week, we will schedule them as far apart as possible to maximize recovery.

Following a custom structured training program will allow many Revolution athletes to make big improvements without adding lots of weekly hours. We realize that most of our athletes have families and work 40+ hours a week. Another major component of our coaching philosophy is the concept of sustainability. Sustainability means designing training programs that keep our athletes healthy and happy for the long run. This means we work with our athletes to achieve balance in all aspects of their lives: training, racing, work, and time with family and friends. Our programs do away with "junk miles," which we define as workouts that don't serve a specific purpose (like when you run for half an hour just to get something in). For most athletes with time constraints, "recovery-type workouts" will be either minimal or optional. We help you to understand the "big picture" of your training over the course of the season, but we also identify for you those essential key weekly workouts.

Revolution Multisport: Changing the Way You Train!
Rates & Fees: Fees for different services are available on the website.
Training Camps Offered: Spring Training Camp near Peoria, Illinois:
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There have been 3 updates to this coach:

STConcierge at June 24, 2019 11:14 AM
STConcierge at August 6, 2018 8:24 AM
Sweet at January 23, 2013 8:48 AM