Triathlon Coaches


April Lea Gellatly

349 Decatur St SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Phone: Please Email.


Education: Undergrad degree
Certifications: USAT level 1
Services: One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching, TrainingPeaks scheduling

General Info

General Info: AG Multisport Coaching & Consulting is Triathlon-Specific Coaching Firm. AG Multisport works with individuals as well as corporate groups looking for individualized training programs and instruction. Current Consulting Clients include groups such as CNN FitNation (2013 Head Coach & Athletic Director) and Atlanta Triathlon Club.
Rates & Fees: Please Visit: for additional information on the Coaching Process and Rates.
Training Camps Offered: Available Upon Request
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There has been 1 update to this coach:

algellatly at July 16, 2014 12:38 PM