Triathlon Coaches


316 W 107
New York, New York 10025
Phone: 9178251451
Fax: n/a


Education: Graduate degree, Graduate science or exercise-science degree, Undergrad degree, Undergrad science or exercise-science degree
Certifications: USA Cycling level 1, USAT level 1
Services: One-on-one swim instruction on pool deck, Online coaching, Regular track or group run workouts in person, TrainingPeaks scheduling

General Info

General Info: strives to provide the highest quality internet-based triathlon coaching and sports nutrition services for the everyday triathlete and novice. These services are based on an understanding of the sport and tailored to the expectations and needs of each and every client. Our services address every aspect of triathlon preparation: Tri4Life personalized coaching, Tri2Lose weight loss and Eat2Win sports nutrition. At, we celebrate the journey along with our clients from start to finish.
Rates & Fees: Please visit for more information.
Training Camps Offered: None offered at this time.
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There is 1 user who has tagged this coach: SWW

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