

ERO Sports Pennsylvania

317 Kennedy Ave
Mertztown, Pennsylvania 19539
Phone: +1(855)243-8376
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Fit Information

Default Tri-Fit Methodology: Retul
Certifications: None
Fit Bikes: Exit Cycling
Motion-Capture Systems: Retul
Brand-Friendly: None
Cost of Fit: Varies

General Information

General Information: ERO Sports is the industry leader in Bike Fit and Aerodynamic testing. We're proud to have achieved that designation, and understand our goal is to help each athlete reach their potential whether they are vying for an Olympic medal or a finisher's medal.

Great athletic performances are born out of a combination of athleticism, desire, and opportunity. To help you achieve your goals, we use a combination of science, technology, and a bit of art to insure you get the most out of your body. Proper biomechanics provide both power and comfort, but beyond the most comprehensive bike fit you can imagine, you'll also be instructed as to why you fit to a bike the way you do, and you'll leave with an understanding of how your body works, and how small changes can bring about significant improvement. Discover for yourself why ERO is #1 and we'll make you a better athlete.
Directions: Located just 4 miles from the Valley Preferred Cycling Center, in the heart of Shamrock Station.
Map location is based off of a geocode of the addressed entered using Google's Google Maps API. If your address does not geocode properly, you can either update the address (we will attempt to re-geocode after any updates to your entry) or you can use Google's geocoding tool found here: to obtain a lat/long for your location and enter that. To use the utility, type in an address that is close to your location and then drag-and-drop the marker to obtain the desired lat/long. If you choose to enter a lat/long, you must check the box on the edit page that says, "override geocode with entered lat/long."

Who was fit?

There is 1 user who has tagged this fitter: rdros

There have been 6 updates to this fitter:

missy@erosports at September 9, 2021 7:09 AM
STConcierge at June 18, 2019 4:38 PM
missy@erosports at June 17, 2019 7:21 PM
missy@erosports at April 7, 2018 7:12 PM
STConcierge at April 4, 2018 10:54 AM
missy@erosports at June 16, 2017 6:23 AM