

Joe Nagy

San Marco Area
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Phone: 9042573844
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Fit Information

Default Tri-Fit Methodology: Homegrown
Certifications: None
Fit Bikes: None
Motion-Capture Systems: Other
Brand-Friendly: None
Cost of Fit: $300

General Information

General Information: Prov.3N Performance strives to glorify God in all that we do. Without Him we are capable of nothing, but with Him we can accomplish anything.

Joe Nagy did his first triathlon in 2004 as part of a relay - he chose the swim having never swam competitively before. Luckily for him, it was changed to a run-bike-run as he quickly realized there?s a lot more detail that goes into executing a good performance than he thought. From that time, using his engineering background, he would research and tweak and optimize anything related to swim-bike-run-strength and recovery. Never leaving well enough alone and always seeking to learn, his expertise now includes ?macro? level optimizations like coaching and bike position and ?micro? optimizations like what tire pressure and chain lube to use in a race. In 2015 that passion and level of detail birthed Prov.3N Performance.
Directions: Mobile Options Available - contact us for directions and details.
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