This Week on Slowtwitch Indoors: A New York State of Mind

No matter which online forum you frequent (hint: we'd really like you to be a member right here ), discussion of Zwift's New York world quickly devolves into the "love it" and "hate it" camps. Whether it's the difficulty of the KOM, the rolling nature of the loops around Central Park, or the frequency it appears in Zwift's calendar, it does not inspire indifference.

Your faithful Zwift team here at Slowtwitch tends toward the "love it" camp, if only because it's so different relative to the other worlds. It was high time to host a bunch of our events in New York, including our 100/100 Challenge Support Runs for the first time. It's a nice change of pace -- even if the weather should be featuring snow, sleet, freezing rain, and 35 degree rain in game, if the actual weather is any indication.

Slowtwitch 100/100 Challenge Support Runs

We're quickly approaching the end of the 100/100 Challenge. With less than 3 weeks to go, we decided to help give you a scenery shake-up. You can find the Shuman Trail Loop featured on Wednesday night's run, with even more changes coming next week. As of this writing, our 3 remaining support runs of the week are as follows:

Monday, 7 PM Eastern
Wednesday, 7 AM Eastern
Wednesday, 7 PM Eastern

Slowtwitch Indoors Rides

Ride of the Valkyries
Our women's only structured training workout gets a respite from New York (and Watopia, for that matter) and instead heads to London. The goal, as always, is to keep the group together as you pedal through this week's workout, "Keep It Together." This hour-long workout features some strong intensity at the end -- be sure to save some strength.

Tuesday Night Dynamite
New name, same basic parameters! We decided our Tuesday night ride should join all of our other rides with a fun name. As always, this is a structured training ride that ensures the group stays together so long as you keep the pedals moving. The Everything Bagel circuit gives you a little bit of everything, as does this week's workout "Bring the Pain."

Rise & Grind
The early morning crew should see a full slate of ride leaders and sweepers back in action after what could only be described as a series of unfortunate events: illnesses, work trips, power outages, and more. We'll be tackling the Park Perimeter Loop on Thursday morning. As always, rides are fenced with the exception of pre-announced sprints, KOMs, and the final 10 minutes where the gloves come off.

Hilly Vanilli
Last and certainly not least, our chase-format event goes to everyone's other least favorite location: Richmond. The UCI course gives a lot of opportunities for groups to come apart -- be ready and willing to help your fellow group mates out so you can either chase down a group in front or keep a group behind away. If a group is caught, fences will usually be deactivated so that you can try to keep up with the category that has caught up.

Remember: thank your ride and run leaders, and have fun!