Running Stores


Hill Country Running Co.

215 South Lamar Blvd
Austin, Texas 78704
Phone: (512) 294-2866

Key Tri-Specific Contact(s)

Yes, Their Names - Jamie Cleveland, Andrea Fisher

Diagnostic Equipment



Running Shoes: None
Run Focused Apparel: None
Tri Focused Apparel: None
Swim Gear: None
Wetsuits: None

General Information

Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.
Runs & Classes: Join HCRC Thursday mornings at 8am for a store run! ALL LEVELS welcome. A workout will be given at 8:00am and off we go! Thursday Run will focus on Speed and Strength.

Shop Info Owned and operated by professional athletes Jamie Cleveland and Andrea Fisher, Hill Country Running Company is the latest addition to Austin's great fitness community. The store is focused on providing products and services catering to the needs of all athletes including walkers, runners, triathletes, adventure racers, recreational fitness athletes and even their canine training partners. Products range from top of the line footwear and apparel to the latest running/walking and fitness accessories. The store provides onsite gait analysis so that customers are ensured optimum shoe fit. Hill Country Running Company's goal is to give each athlete a positive, educational experience while outfitting them in the correct footwear and apparel to meet their needs and goals.

Jamie and Andrea have been racing as professional triathletes and runners for over 20 years. They built Texas Iron Multisport Inc. into Texas's premiere coaching company, which has been repeatedly voted "Best in Texas" by Competitor Magazine for its programs and performances. The couple pride themselves on making sure their clients receive the best service available.

Jamie and Andrea have hired a staff of running enthusiasts that are dedicated to providing the same outstanding customer service and welcome the chance to share their diverse experience and love for the sport.

Directions: 215 South Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78704
Located on the first floor of the Bridges Condo building, across from Schlotsky's Deli.

9900 W Parmer Ln, Suite 215
Austin, TX 78717
We are located at the crossroads of Parmer and Neenah next to the new Bicycle Sport Shop North Store

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Who Shops Here?

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