Circ Drive: The Deals Get Better!

Last month was the 1st of 3 editions of our Annual Circ Drive. A lot of folks found that adding their name to this list got them an email that was positively Christmas-like in terms of the deals offered.

In fact, some of you replied with some heartburn because you missed out. So, I want to be crystal clear: If you want access the sorts of deals many got over the last few weeks, you must join. And, no, joining the prior Circ Drive doesn't count.

This edition of the Circ Drive builds new potential customers for VASA trainers and for Profile Design.

Should you be interested in these companies at all? You might want to read about Sam Gyde, usually the fastest amateur in any Ironman race he enters (including Kona) and who does virtually all his swim training on a VASA Ergometer. Which made me reorder my thinking about this.

As for Profile Design, this company's new Subsonic, Sonic, Supersonic platform is foundational, and and I ride Supersonic aerobars and PD's hydration system on my own bike.

But about this Circ Drive, let me explain. Every website you go to wants your email. You're probably prompted, often with some aggravating page takeover you have to click to get rid of, for your email address. This is the way companies want to talk to you.

So, that's what we're doing. If you entered the first Circ Drive, great. And thank you. But it's not okay for me to give your email address to another company? So, with big discounts, and giveaways, raffles, and access other value propositions I'm bribing you. I make it so compelling that you'll sign up. So, yeah, you have to sign up AGAIN.

I'm very picky about who gets to run a Circ Drive here, and I'm picky about how they treat your emails. Just above is where the Circ Drive signup sits on my own computer when I'm on our Reader Forum, but I suspect you'll fine a Circ Drive signup widget on this page you're reading now.