Belinda Granger in Boulder

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Friday, August 21, 8:00 AM. One hour out and back run on dirt trails starting from the St. Vrain River parking lot in Lyons, 15 miles north of Boulder. Granger starts her run crossing a wooden bridge and heads out into rural trails.
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Granger follows a tip by good friend and Boulder resident Laura Bennett. “She told me to soak my legs in the cool water of the creek after a long run – and it works to reduce the swelling and speed recovery,” said Granger.
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Granger ties her running shoes after finishing the cooling her feet in the fresh waters of the St. Vrain mountain stream.
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Wednesday August 19, 10:30 AM. Boulder’s Spruce Avenue Pool swim workout. There’s a lot of camaraderie among friends and fellow pros in a 90-minute workout. Left to right: Laura Bennett (obscured), Justin Daerr, Belinda Granger, Armando, Justin Granger, Gordo Byrn.
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Good friends Belinda Granger and Joanna Lawn look like synchronized swimmers while completing a backstroke set.
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Belinda powers through a set with hand paddles.
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Belinda finishes off a kick set.
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Not a moment to spare, Belinda brushes her hair poolside before a lunch date with husband Justin and fellow pros.
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Typical international set of pro triathletes after a morning workout at the Spruce Pool: Left to right – Monica Byrn, Gordo Byrn, Switzerland’s Matthias Hecht, Greg Bennett, and a new pro, Belinda Granger, Laura Bennett, Justin Granger and Joanna Lawn.
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Belinda Granger and Jo Lawn examine a muffin at the organic grocery Wild Oats/Whole Foods on Broadway and Arapahoe in Boulder.
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Belinda Granger adds more fresh organic vegetables to her meal at Whole Foods.
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After using a couple thousand calories earlier in the day, Belinda Granger bites into a satisfying mouthful at one of the Whole Foods outdoor tables.
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Back at their home stay in Lyons, next door to Chris and Sarah Legh, Belinda and Justin catch up with their coaching and sponsor duties and travel arrangements.
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Belinda buckles her chin strap preparing for a 65 km ride from Lyons to Left Hand Canyon Rd. and out to Hygiene on Wednesday August 19 at 2 PM.
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Belinda starts her ride with a beautiful view of Lyons and the foothills in the background.
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Belinda passes a big “W’ barn heading south on Highway 36 to meet up with Jo Lawn.
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Belinda, Jo Lawn and a fellow pro turn off High 36 and head East to Hygiene.
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After making the Hygiene loop together, Jo Lawn and friend head south to Boulder, while Belinda heads north back to Lyons
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Belinda takes a well earned nap after the ride.
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Belinda gets a soothing massage from Kristen McFarland to take the tension out of her neck - a crucial last preparation for Ironman Canada.
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