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Typical of Livestrong's freestanding offices, lots of glass, built of repurposed beams holding up the roof of a paper distribution company.
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You never know who you're going to run into. In this case, Livestrong's CEO Doug Ulman is entertaining WTC's CEO Andrew Messick and CMO Erik Vervloet.
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This building is one of Austin's architectural treasures, not for what it is, but for what it isn't: expensive and gaudy.
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You can build a Best Places to Work office out of a warehouse in the bad side of town, if you put your mind to it.
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Livestrong employees are surrounded by the fruit of their work and the need to continue it.
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The building, the offices, the job, the organization, all strike a posture of transparency.
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Half the roof of this building was torn out to make way for natural lighting. Beams like this provided the wood to build the offices.
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What were ceiling beams are now benches in the cafeteria.
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Unless you want authentic street tacos, you either eat here for lunch or you drive quite a distance.
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Armstrong contemplated his own decisions in his personal fight with cancer while seated at this table, which is now in Livestrong's cafeteria.
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Employees find reminders of the organization's purpose throughout the building.
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One wants a bit of color: (Albert - Nathan Lane - in The Birdcage)
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Founders gave money to start this foundation before Armstrong won his first TdF.
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Founding members include Tom Weisel, a sponsor of Armstrong's going back to his Suburu Montgomery days.
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The building features a lot of art, which is from Armstrong's personal collection. As I could find no Dogs Playing Poker on the walls, this was my favorite art piece in the building.
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Dr. Craig Nichols and his gracious wife Ellen. Gents, assuming the situation calls for it, this is the one man on earth you want fondling your testicles.
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