Brave athletes turned out for Lobsterman

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Participants of all sizes gather to cheer the athletes on.

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The pre-race sunset at Winslow Memorial Park was beautiful but rain from Dorian was predicted overnight.
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With the rain holding off, athletes prepare to enter the water.
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A competitor watches with focus as she waits for her start wave.
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Race director Michael O'Neil gives the pre-race announcements.
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A wave starts the swim through cool and calm waters, despite weather forecasts.
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A men’s heat starts their 1.5 kilometer swim.

Photo credit Kevin Morris
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The first male is out of the water and headed up the beach.
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The top females follow closely behind.
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One of the top females speeds past cow pastures on the bike course.
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Flowers dot the landscape all over the course, and showcase Maine's summer beauty.
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A little water remains on the road, but Dorian has decided to not drop any rain during the race.
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Cyclists are still making their way back into transition in droves.
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A cyclist passes the Wealden Farm Stand on the bike course.
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Runners fight their way through the last mile of the Olympic run course.
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The top collegiate athletes are on the run, and the cows can't be bothered to keep score.
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