Lagerstrom, Gentle win Escape

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Josh Amberger of Australia led the 1.5-mile swim from, Alcatraz to the Marina in a time of 26:32, precisely one minute ahead of Andy Potts and 1:02 better than Cameron Dye and Eric Lagerstrom. Other contenders included Graham O’Grady of New Zealand at 1:25 back and Kevin Collington of the U.S. 1:37 arrears.

With a slower than usual swim time, currents and choice of line apparently played a role in Amberger's breakaway.

“At the start of the swim, Andy Potts and five other guys were to my left and Josh Amberger was way over to the right – I never saw him,” said Lagerstrom. “When we finished I thought our group was out front, but then we heard that Josh was a minute ahead. All the advice I got never mentioned going on the right side – so more power to Josh.”

After a race-best bike split of 46:44, Amberger started the run with a 1:21 lead on Lagerstrom, 1:23 on Dye, 1:27 on Potts and 1:37 on Collington, who posted the 2nd-fastest bike split just one second slower than Amberger.

On their way to equal times, race-best run splits of 42:26, Potts and Lagerstrom came upon Amberger at the sand ladder at the 5 mile mark.

“Andy caught Josh at the top of the top of the sand ladder and I caught Josh about a minute later,” said Lagerstrom. “It took me to the last downhill before the flats before I came up on Andy and we ran together the rest of the way.”

Collington, on his way to a 3rd-fastest run, also passed Amberger and was positioned solidly in 3rd place, about 30 seconds behind the leading duo as they approached the finish.

“Andy put in three surges so I had to match,” said Lagerstrom. “With 300 meters to go, we were on the grass and at 200 meters to go, Andy started to sprint and I went with him. I didn’t get by him until 50 meters to go and as we approached the line, I looked over my shoulder and could not see him.”
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