DQ for roadside relief?

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Note that one attaches a variable time penalty and one a DQ (did Ironman ask and receive an OK from USAT for this rule change?).

I must ask, even if you think it's in poor taste (so to speak) to urinate while on the bike, is this a violation of any written rule? I once attended a clinic – a clinic – put on by former pro Torbjorn Sindballe on how to perform this feat. It is the rare pro in the sport of triathlon who does not urinate during his or her race, usually while on the bike. Neither I nor any of the old timers I asked ever remember a pro penalized for this.

Ironman's head of officiating, Jim Riccitello, nevertheless considers urinating while on the bike a violation of the rule, earning a DQ. This brings up a point of order. It's obviously not indecent exposure of you urinate while on the bike, since there's no body part exposed. So, again, where is the rule?
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