

Fort DeSoto Triathlon Trilogy 3

Race Information

Date: September 3, 2023
Race Type: Triathlon
Bike Surface: Road
Drafting rules:? Non-drafting
Kids Race? *NOT* a kids' race
Course: 0.25 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
Start: 1:00 AM
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Address: 3500 Pinellas Bayway S
Contact: 7722060874    |    support@integritymultisport.com
Individual Price: $109
Team Price:
Date: September 3, 2023
Course: 0.25 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Address: 3500 Pinellas Bayway S

General Information

Registration fees included or disclosed up front?: Not specified whether registration/convenience fees are added.
Course Info: Sprint Triathlon (S-.25, B-10, R-3.1)

Sprint Duathlon (R-.7, B-10, R-3.1)

International Triathlon (S-.5, B-20, R-6.2)

International Aquabike (S-.5, B-20)

This course and race series is one of Florida?s favorites. In one race season you have 3 races with exact same distances and stunning location to test your training. Proudly brought to you by Integrity Multisport?. When you race, be sure that you ?Race with Integrity??.

Athletes will enjoy a salt water swim in full view of spectators. The bike course is 100% traffic free. The International distance athletes will complete 2 laps, while the sprint distance will do 1 lap.

The run consists of a scenic 5K route through the park with great views of the Gulf of Mexico. The sprint athletes will complete 1 lap, while the International distance runners will complete two laps. Spectators will have plenty of opportunity to cheer on athletes as they run down the final finishing chute.

Friends, family & music welcome the athletes through the finish line. With the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the car free bike course, and a flat run, athletes will have a chance to test their limits and make new PRs on this beautiful course.

More: Sprint Triathlon (S-.25, B-10, R-3.1)

Sprint Duathlon (R-.7, B-10, R-3.1)

International Triathlon (S-.5, B-20, R-6.2)

International Aquabike (S-.5, B-20)

This course and race series is one of Florida?s favorites. In one race season you have 3 races with exact same distances and stunning location to test your training. Proudly brought to you by Integrity Multisport?. When you race, be sure that you ?Race with Integrity??.

Athletes will enjoy a salt water swim in full view of spectators. The bike course is 100% traffic free. The International distance athletes will complete 2 laps, while the sprint distance will do 1 lap.

The run consists of a scenic 5K route through the park with great views of the Gulf of Mexico. The sprint athletes will complete 1 lap, while the International distance runners will complete two laps. Spectators will have plenty of opportunity to cheer on athletes as they run down the final finishing chute.

Friends, family & music welcome the athletes through the finish line. With the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the car free bike course, and a flat run, athletes will have a chance to test their limits and make new PRs on this beautiful course.

Directions: Sprint Triathlon (S-.25, B-10, R-3.1)

Sprint Duathlon (R-.7, B-10, R-3.1)

International Triathlon (S-.5, B-20, R-6.2)

International Aquabike (S-.5, B-20)

This course and race series is one of Florida?s favorites. In one race season you have 3 races with exact same distances and stunning location to test your training. Proudly brought to you by Integrity Multisport?. When you race, be sure that you ?Race with Integrity??.

Athletes will enjoy a salt water swim in full view of spectators. The bike course is 100% traffic free. The International distance athletes will complete 2 laps, while the sprint distance will do 1 lap.

The run consists of a scenic 5K route through the park with great views of the Gulf of Mexico. The sprint athletes will complete 1 lap, while the International distance runners will complete two laps. Spectators will have plenty of opportunity to cheer on athletes as they run down the final finishing chute.

Friends, family & music welcome the athletes through the finish line. With the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the car free bike course, and a flat run, athletes will have a chance to test their limits and make new PRs on this beautiful course.

Register: Click here
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