Search For A Race

If you would like to search for a race, please use the form below. None of the fields are mandatory. Checking no box "selects all." Checking regions selects all states in that region. Checking any state's box selects or deselects that state.

Our keyword search is new and very crude. It is not meant to be Google. It's not very forgiving of misspellings, etc. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback.

Name Search

This will become the primary ordering of results, THEN date. This will search all races within the past 365 days and all future races. To search back beyond that, you need to manually override the date range below.

Date Override

overrides keyword search default and allows you to use the date boxes below. Also resets default search to start with today's date.

Start Date
Leave blank for today's date
End Date
Race Type
Triathlon Duathlon Other Leave blank to select all.
Race distance
Sprint International Half Ultra Leave blank to select all.
Bike Surface Type
Road Offroad Gravel Leave blank to select all.
Drafting Rules
Non-drafting Draft legal Leave blank to select all.
Kids' Races
"Normal" (18yo+) Races ONLY Kids' Races ONLY Leave blank to select all.
aces with registration fees included in price
Races where it is not specified if fees are included in price Races where it is explicitly stated that the price includes all registration fee(s) Leave blank to select all.
Centro Deep South Great Lakes Mid Atlantic
Mid South Northeast Northwest Prairie
Rockies West

Selecting a region will select all states in that region. You can then deselect or select any additional states. Only the selected states will be included in your search. Leaving all boxes blank will select races in all states.

Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona
Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick
Newfoundland New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia
Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon
Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island
Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont Virginia
Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Wash DC Central Amer Caribbean Mexico

Leave blank to select all.