

Ohio Race For A Reason Aquabike

Race Information

Date: April 29, 2023
Race Type: Other
Bike Surface: Road
Drafting rules:? Non-drafting
Kids Race? *NOT* a kids' race
Course: 500 meter swim, 10.65 mile bike, 0 mile run
Start: 6:00 AM
Location: Athens, Ohio
Address: 50 South Green Drive, Athens Ohio 45701
Contact: 614-425-1156    |    customerservice@hfpracing.com
Individual Price: $50-$70
Team Price: $75-$120
Date: April 29, 2023
Course: 500 meter swim, 10.65 mile bike, 0 mile run
Location: Athens, Ohio
Address: 50 South Green Drive, Athens Ohio 45701

General Information

Registration fees included or disclosed up front?: Yes, all registration/convenience fees are included in price or disclosed up front.
Course Info: Kick things off with a 500M serpentine swim in the Ohio University Aquatic Center. Take a 10.65 mile ride through Athens, Chauncey, and the Plains, OH on the scenic bike path.

More: Ohio University Sports Administration hosts the 11th Annual Race For A Reason. Over the past 10 years, the Race For A Reason has raised upwards of $600,000 for charities, non-profits, and student organizations. The Ohio Race for a Reason is the only event of this kind: combining the competition of racing with the compassion of the Athens and Southeastern Ohio community.

Directions: Event is at Ohio University.

Register: Click here
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