

Tri Greenville Triathlon and Duathlon

Race Information

Date: June 4, 2023
Race Type: Triathlon
Bike Surface: Road
Drafting rules:? Non-drafting
Kids Race? *NOT* a kids' race
Course: 0.31 mile swim, 11.8 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
Start: 8:00 AM
Location: Greenville, Michigan
Address: 561 W Baldwin Lake Drive
Contact: 616-754-9163    |    gacc@greenvillemi.org
Individual Price: See website
Team Price: See website
Date: June 4, 2023
Course: 0.31 mile swim, 11.8 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
Location: Greenville, Michigan
Address: 561 W Baldwin Lake Drive

General Information

Registration fees included or disclosed up front?: Not specified whether registration/convenience fees are added.
Course Info: The transition is located in the parking lot at the Baldwin Lake Beach. The Beach features a changing room (no showers), portable rest rooms, drinking water, vending and universal access to the water. rnThe swim course will be well marked and begins with a mass start from the sandy beach. The swim exit is also at the beach. Spectators can see the entire course from an elevated position. The depth of the lake is approximately 15-20 feet and is typically over 70°F on race day. rnThe adult bike course is a well marked loop with all right turns on an open course. The terrain is slightly to moderately hilly, with a steep descent near the finish line. The youth course is more flat and generally follows the lakeshore. rnThe run course is a flat, fast loop along the shore of Baldwin Lake and nearby Manoka Lake. There is a short out-and-back with a bit of hill on the main loop. The Duathlon follows nearly the same course for both legs with spectacular views of the lake and the transition area. Spectators can see the runners for much of the race.

More: See our website for more information.

Directions: Baldwin Lake Beach is accessible from M-57 by turning south on Baldwin Street (approx. 16 miles east of US131 and 10 miles west of M66); proceeding south to a stop sign at Judd Street; right onto Judd to the intersection with Marvel Drive; left on Marvel 2 blocks to the stop sign and the entrance to the Athlete Parking area at 925 South Street.

The Baldwin Lake Beach is accessible on non-race days by continuing south to the Lake and turning right onto W. Baldwin Lake Drive and continuing approximately 0.25 miles.

Register: Click here
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